MCPD: Windows Developer MCAD upgrade


MCPD: Windows Developer MCAD upgrade

The Microsoft Certified Professional Developer for Windows Developers demonstrates that you have the comprehensive skills that are required to build rich client applications that target the Windows Forms platform using the Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0.

If you are a Microsoft Certified Application Developer (MCAD), you can upgrade to the MCPD: Windows Developer certification by taking one upgrade exam:

We offer you the most effective way to upgrade your MCAD Certification to a Microsoft Certified Professional Developer (MCPD) .NET.  The MCPD certification demonstrates that you have the comprehensive skills that are required to build interactive, data-driven Windows applications that use ASP.NET 2.0 for both Intranet and Internet uses. By completing this curriculum and passing the upgrade exam, you will automatically obtain the relevant MCTS prerequisite for your MCPD, MCTS: .NET Framework 2.0 Windows Applications.  

Our 70-552 course teaches students how to create, trace, configure, and deploy Web applications, how to configure Windows Forms and manage layout of the user interface, how to create lists, buttons, tool strips, and menus, how to set up and manage connections to databases how to implement data-bound controls to display information to users, how to read, validate, and write XML, how to manage the printing process with dialogs, how to enhance usability with drag-and-drop functionality, accessibility features, and user assistance controls and how to use ClickOnce to configure installation and deployment.

  Candidates for this course work in a development environment that uses Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003 or Visual Studio 2005. Candidates should have a working knowledge of Visual Studio 2005.

n Our easy-to-use delivery format allows you to concentrate on the lesson at hand and not how to run the delivery software - saving you time and frustration. Our comprehensive course materials are delivered in an easy-to- understand format - allowing you to get the most out of your time. n

Our courses incorporate audio, video, and text training and then the total experience is reinforced with exercises and practice tests to ensure that you have really grasped the material.

This Course is available online or via DVD's:
Online Course = All items marked with are included.
DVD Study Kit = Everything! - If its marked with then its included.
For Pricing - Click Here
Live Video,
Courses =
Courses =
Online Streaming Video
(Broadband min 512k)
12 Months subscription
Featuring live instructor-led classroom-like sessions in digital video format. Multimedia-rich delivery brings experienced subject matter experts to your desktop or laptop.
Training Simulations  
DVD Courses = Delivered on DVD
Online Courses = Online Access
Interactive hands-on practice lab
Email Support  
1 Year's Technical Email Support
DVD Courses= Delivered
on DVD
Online Courses = Downloadable
Free Upgrades  
12 months of Free Upgrades.
Compatibility with:  

XP | Win 2003/8 server | Vista
Exam Simulator  
Exam Simulator for closest replication to the real exam!



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(Learning Segments)

Module 1 - Creating a Simple Windows Forms Application
Components of a Windows Forms User Interface
Event Handling in a Windows Forms Application
Adding and Configuring Windows Forms and Controls
Creating Event Handlers and Monitoring Events
Adding Controls and Handlers at Run Time
Adding a Form Keyboard Handler (if time permits)
Module 2 - Configuring Standard Controls
Windows Forms Controls by Function
Creating the Employee Viewer Form
Creating the Report Generator Form
Creating the ReportGeneratorHelp Form
Module 3 - Building Menus
Menus in Windows Forms
Creating and Configuring a MenuStrip Control
Creating and Configuring a ContextMenuStrip Component
Hiding and Disabling a ToolStripMenuItem
Creating and Configuring a ToolStripComboBox
Module 4 - Displaying and Editing Data by Using Data-Bound Controls
Binding Data to a Control
DataGridView Control
Adding a Data Source to a Project
Binding Data to a Control
Creating a Bound Form by Using the BindingSource and BindingNavigator Components
Displaying Data by Using the DataGridView Control
Binding to Data at Run Time
Module 5 - Providing User Assistance and Enhancing Usability
Providing User Assistance
Implementing Accessibility Features
Implementing Globalization and Localization
Adding and Configuring User Assistance Controls
Running a Procedure at Set Intervals
Displaying Data Source Errors
Module 6 - Creating Consistent Applications by Using Dialog Boxes and Forms
Dialog Boxes in a Windows Forms Application
Windows Forms Inheritance
Adding and Configuring Dialog Box Components
Creating a Custom Dialog Box
Implementing Windows Forms Inheritance
Modifying an Existing Form to Inherit from a Base Form
Module 7 - Printing Content and Creating Reports
Printing in a Windows Forms Application
Reporting in a Windows Forms Application
Adding Print Capability to a Windows Forms Application
Implementing Reporting by Using the CrystalReportViewer Component
Module 8 - Performing Asynchronous Tasks by Using the BackgroundWorker Component
Asynchronous Tasks in Windows Forms Applications
Running and Canceling a Background Process by Using the BackgroundWorker Component
Module 9 - Deploying Applications by Using ClickOnce
Windows Forms Application Deployment Options
ClickOnce Technology Overview
Publishing a ClickOnce Application
Installing and Testing a ClickOnce Application

Module 1 - Building MDI Applications
Windows Forms Layout Options
What Are MDI Applications?
Creating MDI Parent and Child Forms
Displaying and Comparing Information on MDI Child Forms
Implementing Menu Merging in MDI Applications
Module 2 - Customizing Windows Forms and Controls
What Are the Methods of Authoring Controls for Windows Forms?
Ways to Draw a User Interface by Using GDI+
Creating a Nonrectangular Windows Form
Creating a Control that Inherits from an Existing Control
Creating a Custom User Control
Module 3 - Creating Customized Print Components
Printing Features that Are Supported by .NET Framework 2.0
Drawing Print Document Content by Using GDI+
Printing a Report by Using GDI+
Creating a Customized Print Preview Dialog Box
Module 4 - Performing Drag-and-Drop Operations and Implementing Clipboard Support
Drag-and-Drop Operations in Windows Forms Applications
Adding Clipboard Support in Windows Forms Applications
Implementing Drag-and-Drop Functionality in a Windows Forms Application
Adding Clipboard Support to an Application
Performing Drag-and-Drop Operations by Using TextBox and PictureBox Controls
Module 5 - Performing Asynchronous Tasks by Using Multithreaded Techniques
Asynchronous Programming in Windows Forms Applications
Creating Thread-Safe Applications
Loading a Bitmap Asynchronously
Performing Calculations by Using Multithreading
Module 6 - Enhancing the Presentation of Windows Forms Applications
Enhancing Application User Interfaces
Customizing the DataGridView Control
Application Settings and the PropertyGrid Control
Programming the DataGridView Control
Viewing and Persisting Application Settings by Using the PropertyGrid Control
Implementing a User Interface in the Style of Outlook by Using RAD Features

Module 1 - Connecting to Databases and Reading Data
Connect and Read Data
Creating a Connection
Demo - Creating and Using Connections/Commands
Connection Events
Connection Exceptions
Connection Pooling
Pool Settings
Demo - Connection Pooling
Module 1 Review
Module 2 - Querying and Updating Databases
ADO.Net Commands
Command Properties
Command Methods
Demo - Create Commands
Bind Data to Control
Demo - Binding Commands to Controls
Pass Parameters to Command
Parameter Properties
Demo - Execute a Command with Parameters
Server Explorer
Demo - Using Server Explorer
Module 2 Review
Module 3 - Transactional Operations
What is a Transaction?
Transaction Support
Transaction Characteristics
Managing Local Transactions
Local Transaction Example
Demo - Local Transaction
Managing Distributed Transactions
Create Transaction
Demo - Use Distributed Transaction
Isolation Levels
Isolation Matrix
Demo - Show Effects of Isolation Levels
Lab Demonstration 1
Module 3 Review
Module 4 - Disconnected Operations
ADO.NET Disconnected Model
Create DataSet Model
Demo - Create a Dataset
Special Columns
Constraints and Relations
Demo - Add Special (Nondata) Columns
DataSet Relations
Demo - Create Dataset Relation
Demo - Use Relation to Access Child Records
Data Adapter
Loading and Saving Data in a DataSet
Data Adapter Properties
Demo - Create and Use Data Adapter
Data Views
Data View Properties
Demo - Create and Use Data view
Module 4 Review
Module 5 - Performing Disconnected Operations by Using Visual Studio 2005 Wizards
Disconnected Datasets
Untyped vs. Typed Datasets
Tables in Typed Dataset
Demo - Creating a Dataset and Datatable
Retrieve Data from a DataTable
DataTable Methods
DataTable Properties
Demo - Work with Datatable's
Table Adapters
Demo - Create Table adapter
Lab Demonstration 2
Module 5 Review
Module 6 - XML Operations on Disconnected Data
XML and ADO.Net
Work with XML and DataSets
Demo - Load a Dataset from XML
Demo - Write XML from Dataset
Diff Gram
Demo - Show Results of Diff gram
Module 6 Review
Module 7 - Reading and Writing XML Data
Serially Reading XML Data
Create XML Reader
Sample XML Reader
Demo - Create and Use XML reader
Serially Writing XML Data
Create XML Writer
Sample XML writer
Demo - Create and Use XML writer
Module 7 Review
Module 8 - Processing XML Data by Using DOM
What Is DOM?
Load an XML Document
Demo - Create and Load XML Dom Object
What Are DOM Trees?
Dom Tree
XML Nodes in a DOM Tree
XML Collection Classes
Demo - Use XML Dom Object by Navigating Nodes
Lab Demonstration 3
Module 8 Review
Module 1 - Minimizing and Handling Database Operation Conflicts
Minimizing and Handling Database Operation Conflicts
Demo - Show Example of Database Conflict
Why Do Data Conflicts Arise?
“Last One In Wins”
Demo - Show Effects of Locks
Isolation Levels in SQL Server 2005
Isolation Levels Matrix
Using SQL Server 2005 Isolation Levels
Using ADO.NET to Handle Conflicts
Demo - Handle Database Concurrency Issues
Lab Demonstration 1
Module 1 Review
Module 2 - Handling Large Objects
Handling Large Objects
Binary Large Objects
Character Large Objects
Large Value Data Types
Reading Large Objects from a Database
Demo - Read Large Objects
Writing Large Objects to a Database
Demo -Write Large Object to a Database
Lab Demonstration 2
Module 2 Review
Module 3 - Transactional Operations
Enhancing Database Performance
ADO.NET Enhancements in the .NET Framework 2.0
Demo - How MARS Works
Asynchronous Operations
Demo - Show Effects of Asynchronous Operations
Demo - Show Batch Dataset Update
Demo - Show Bulk Data Copy
SQL Server Provider Statistics
Demo - Setting up a Performance Trace
Lab Demonstration 3
Module 3 Review
Module 4 - Creating Managed Code Objects for SQL Server 2005
Creating Managed Code Objects for SQL Server 2005
.NET and SQL Server 2005
Managed Objects
Demo - Create/Deploy a Stored Procedure & Function to SQL Server
The Benefits of Creating Managed Code Objects
Importing an Existing Assembly into SQL Server 2005
Implement Managed Code Objects in SQL Server 2005
Demo - Create SQL Project
Lab Demonstration 4
Module 4 Review
Module 5 - Querying XML by Using Xpath
XPath Data Model
Node Types
Selecting XML Data Using XPathNavigator
Demo - Use XPathNavigator to Select Data
Editing XML Data Using XPathNavigator
Demo - Use XPathNavigator to Edit Data
Evaluating XPath Expressions Using XPathNavigator
Demo - Use XPathNavigator to Evaluate Data
Module 5 Review
Module 6 - Transforming XML by Using XSLT Style Sheets
Transforming XML by Using XSLT Style Sheets
What is XSLT?
Demo - Create and show XSLT Style Sheet
Using an XSLT Style Sheet
Executing an XSLT Style Sheet
Executing an XSLT Style Sheet Sample
Demo - Use XSLT Style Sheet
Add Parameters
XslCompiledTransform Object
Using the Resolver
XslCompiledTransform Object Cont.
Demo - Use Parameters and XslCompiledTransform
Extension Objects
Create Extension
Benefits and Drawbacks of Extension Objects
Demo - Create and Use Extension Object
Lab Demonstration 5
Module 6 Review
Course Closure


Full motion video

Each class is presented in full motion video allowing you to see the steps, hear the explanations, and perform the tasks which includes our interactive hands-on training simulations, students will learn from real-world scenarios taught by our expert instructor.

Instructor-Led Training

Combines both the convenience and affordability of computer-based training with the effectiveness of a traditional classroom setting. The instructors featured in our multi-media DVD's are not only certified in their area of expertise, but also have years of real world experience and are subject matter experts in their fields.


We supply a complete line of e-books to offer a complete training solution. Our courses include e-books for CompTIA, CISCO and Microsoft certifications.Supplied on DVD for DVD courses or downloadable for Online Courses.

Practice Exam Simulators

We offer exam simulators for all technical certifications. Our exam simulators are the closest replication to the real exam!

Our exam simulators creates a simulation of an actual certification exam. Under timed conditions, IntelliSage? sets up a test with 60 randomly chosen questions designed to help you get ready for the real exam. As with the Practice Exam, the Certification Simulator allows you to mark questions you cannot answer for review at the end of the test.
If you ask, IntelliSage? will show you the correct answer. IntelliSage? will also explain why it is the correct answer when you select the "Learn Now" feature. The Practice Exam is the first IntelliSage? step in getting you ready to pass your certification exams.

Hands-on Lab Simulation

Hands-on Lab Simulation is a crucial component of your IT training. Practice make perfect. Step-by-step hands-on labs with detail instructions are included to reinforce all key concepts. When you complete a topic, choose the Lab Simulation button to select the associated hands-on lab exercises. Labs allow you to reinforce concepts by performing the tasks you've just learned..

Free Upgrades

A unique benefit of the our Learning System, is that
it allows you to stay current with the ever-changing certification requirements. When a certification test changes and we produce an upgrade for the certification program, we offer our customers free upgrades on their interactive DVD's for up to 1 year from date of original purchase? absolutely free!



MCPD: Windows Developer MCAD upgrade

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DVD Study Kit: £262 ex. VAT
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MCPD: Windows Developer MCAD upgrade