Module 1 - Connecting to Databases and Reading Data
Connect and Read Data
Creating a Connection
Demo - Creating and Using Connections/Commands
Connection Events
Connection Exceptions
Connection Pooling
Pool Settings
Demo - Connection Pooling
Module 1 Review
Module 2 - Querying and Updating Databases
ADO.Net Commands
Command Properties
Command Methods
Demo - Create Commands
Bind Data to Control
Demo - Binding Commands to Controls
Pass Parameters to Command
Parameter Properties
Demo - Execute a Command with Parameters
Server Explorer
Demo - Using Server Explorer
Module 2 Review
Module 3 - Transactional Operations
What is a Transaction?
Transaction Support
Transaction Characteristics
Managing Local Transactions
Local Transaction Example
Demo - Local Transaction
Managing Distributed Transactions
Create Transaction
Demo - Use Distributed Transaction
Isolation Levels
Isolation Matrix
Demo - Show Effects of Isolation Levels
Lab Demonstration 1
Module 3 Review
Module 4 - Disconnected Operations
ADO.NET Disconnected Model
Create DataSet Model
Demo - Create a Dataset
Special Columns
Constraints and Relations
Demo - Add Special (Nondata) Columns
DataSet Relations
Demo - Create Dataset Relation
Demo - Use Relation to Access Child Records
Data Adapter
Loading and Saving Data in a DataSet
Data Adapter Properties
Demo - Create and Use Data Adapter
Data Views
Data View Properties
Demo - Create and Use Data view
Module 4 Review
Module 5 - Performing Disconnected Operations by Using Visual Studio 2005 Wizards
Disconnected Datasets
Untyped vs. Typed Datasets
Tables in Typed Dataset
Demo - Creating a Dataset and Datatable
Retrieve Data from a DataTable
DataTable Methods
DataTable Properties
Demo - Work with Datatable's
Table Adapters
Demo - Create Table adapter
Lab Demonstration 2
Module 5 Review
Module 6 - XML Operations on Disconnected Data
XML and ADO.Net
Work with XML and DataSets
Demo - Load a Dataset from XML
Demo - Write XML from Dataset
Diff Gram
Demo - Show Results of Diff gram
Module 6 Review
Module 7 - Reading and Writing XML Data
Serially Reading XML Data
Create XML Reader
Sample XML Reader
Demo - Create and Use XML reader
Serially Writing XML Data
Create XML Writer
Sample XML writer
Demo - Create and Use XML writer
Module 7 Review
Module 8 - Processing XML Data by Using DOM
What Is DOM?
Load an XML Document
Demo - Create and Load XML Dom Object
What Are DOM Trees?
Dom Tree
XML Nodes in a DOM Tree
XML Collection Classes
Demo - Use XML Dom Object by Navigating Nodes
Lab Demonstration 3
Module 8 Review
Module 1 - Minimizing and Handling Database Operation Conflicts
Minimizing and Handling Database Operation Conflicts
Demo - Show Example of Database Conflict
Why Do Data Conflicts Arise?
“Last One In Wins”
Demo - Show Effects of Locks
Isolation Levels in SQL Server 2005
Isolation Levels Matrix
Using SQL Server 2005 Isolation Levels
Using ADO.NET to Handle Conflicts
Demo - Handle Database Concurrency Issues
Lab Demonstration 1
Module 1 Review
Module 2 - Handling Large Objects
Handling Large Objects
Binary Large Objects
Character Large Objects
Large Value Data Types
Reading Large Objects from a Database
Demo - Read Large Objects
Writing Large Objects to a Database
Demo -Write Large Object to a Database
Lab Demonstration 2
Module 2 Review
Module 3 - Transactional Operations
Enhancing Database Performance
ADO.NET Enhancements in the .NET Framework 2.0
Demo - How MARS Works
Asynchronous Operations
Demo - Show Effects of Asynchronous Operations
Demo - Show Batch Dataset Update
Demo - Show Bulk Data Copy
SQL Server Provider Statistics
Demo - Setting up a Performance Trace
Lab Demonstration 3
Module 3 Review
Module 4 - Creating Managed Code Objects for SQL Server 2005
Creating Managed Code Objects for SQL Server 2005
.NET and SQL Server 2005
Managed Objects
Demo - Create/Deploy a Stored Procedure & Function to SQL Server
The Benefits of Creating Managed Code Objects
Importing an Existing Assembly into SQL Server 2005
Implement Managed Code Objects in SQL Server 2005
Demo - Create SQL Project
Lab Demonstration 4
Module 4 Review
Module 5 - Querying XML by Using Xpath
XPath Data Model
Node Types
Selecting XML Data Using XPathNavigator
Demo - Use XPathNavigator to Select Data
Editing XML Data Using XPathNavigator
Demo - Use XPathNavigator to Edit Data
Evaluating XPath Expressions Using XPathNavigator
Demo - Use XPathNavigator to Evaluate Data
Module 5 Review
Module 6 - Transforming XML by Using XSLT Style Sheets
Transforming XML by Using XSLT Style Sheets
What is XSLT?
Demo - Create and show XSLT Style Sheet
Using an XSLT Style Sheet
Executing an XSLT Style Sheet
Executing an XSLT Style Sheet Sample
Demo - Use XSLT Style Sheet
Add Parameters
XslCompiledTransform Object
Using the Resolver
XslCompiledTransform Object Cont.
Demo - Use Parameters and XslCompiledTransform
Extension Objects
Create Extension
Benefits and Drawbacks of Extension Objects
Demo - Create and Use Extension Object
Lab Demonstration 5
Module 6 Review
Course Closure